Showing posts with label Customer Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customer Service. Show all posts

Feb 15, 2021

Learnings from LinkedIn Learning Course "Customer Service Foundations" by Jeff Toister

Customer service is the support you offer to your customers, both existing and prospective customers.

Customer Service Foundations course is divided in to four parts-

  • 1    Outstanding Customer Service
  • 2.   Build Rapport
  • 3.  Exceed Expectations
  • 4.  Solve Problems

 1.      Outstanding Customer Service

There are three types of customer services-

·         Good Customer Service

·         Outstanding Customer Service

·         Poor Customer Service

Good Service occurs when customers’ expectations are met. Outstanding customer services service that exceeds your customers' expectation. The challenge with good service is that it is not very memorable. Poor Customer Service occurs when the experience is worse than the customer expected.

One of the unique challenges of the customer services that your customer decide how they feel, some said they feel great even though you haven't done anything special. On the contrary, they feel anger even after you try your hardest pushed off, so the best thing is to treat each customer as an individual and try to understand their unique needs. Customers often look at the people who serve them as a representative of the entire organization.

Customer Service

Customer Expectations

Memorable to Customer

Good Customer Service


Not Memorable

Outstanding Customer Service


Highly Memorable

Poor Customer Service

  Not Meet (Worst)

Highly Memorable

 Determine the value of outstanding customer service

Customer service is not easy, but one can choose extra effort to be outstanding. People go above and beyond because they get something out of it. Happy customers are easier to serve. There is a positive impact on co-workers, increased profits, retained customers, and positive word of mouth from customers who refers others to your organizations.

Identify your customers

We are dealing with different types of customers. It is helpful to identify their basic need. A customer is anyone you serve- clients, contractors, co-workers and even vendors (Internal and external customers)

Create customer service vision

Create your personal vision statement. Customer service vision refers to the way you want your customer to feel when you serve them. We can’t make every customer happy, but a personal service vision can inspire us to try. The visualization on positive feedback can helps you stay focused on providing outstanding service throughout each and every day.       

2.      Build Rapport

Building rapport with people you serve is one of the most essential skills in customer service. This creates a personal connection and hopefully getting them to know and like you. Rapport helps in breakdown barriers and makes everyone feels more comfortable. The customer tends to be more loyal when you established rapport and likely to forgive your mistakes.

A good greeting can immediately put a customer an ease and help you quickly developed a rapport. One of the most effective techniques is communicating a positive message with your tone of voice and your body language.

3.      Exceed Expectations

It is critical to learn each customer’s need, so you know how they want to be served. By doing this, you can avoid falling short of expectations and give yourself the opportunity to exceed them.

 4.      Solve Problems

Take ownership of problems

Taking ownership is one of the most important problem-solving skills in customer service. It involves taking extra efforts and accepting responsibility for finding a resolution. Problems often fall through cracks because nobody steps up to take responsibility. Many problems can be quickly fixed if just one person accepts ownership for finding a solution.          

Act on customer feedback

Any feedback comes from a customer is valuable. This feedback can be used to prevent problems from happening. One of the best ways to use customer feedback to improve service is to look for pain points.

Empathize with customer

Empathy is one of the most important customer service skills. It allows you to understand how a customer is feeling and use them to find ways to make them feel better or happy. Empathy is not always easy, but it is one of the those skills which creates a difference between good customer service and outstanding customer service.

Expand your influence

The problems we face are sometimes out of our control, but we can still provide outstanding customer service if we can find a way to leave each customer better off at end of our interactions.

Prevent negative emotions    

Working with negative or upset customer is always a challenging task in customer service. Here, preemptive acknowledgement technique is useful. This technique is used to prevent customer anger by spotting situations where a customer is likely to become angry and then addressing their negative emotions before they boil over.                        

Diffuse angry customers

Negative emotions can have a heavy influence on customers’ perceptions. Problems can even feel worse when a customer is upset or angry. According to Daniel Goleman, negative emotions hijack the rational part of the brain and people suddenly loose their ability to be reasonable until these strong emotions can be soothed. Start with a genuine desire to make angry customers feel better.

Anchor your own attitude

Friendly attitude is essential for outstanding customer service. There are times when we find ourselves in a bad mood. You can use a technique called the attitude anchor to help yourself start feeling positive once again. An attitude anchor is something that helps you anchor your attitude in a positive place. There are two types of anchors- Maintenance Anchors and Repair Anchors.

·         Maintenance Anchors – Things that help maintain a positive, upbeat, and customer-friendly attitude. Make a list of things you can do on regular basis to ensure you are in good mood. This list is personal, so it is different from person to person. For examples, Exercise, getting plenty of sleep, spending time with family or friends, etc.

·        Repair Anchors- Something that helps you get back into a positive mood when you start feeling a little grumpy. For example, take a walk, have some chocolate or cup of tea/coffee, spend a moment to talk with a co-worker, listen to music, etc.

Tips for better customer services-

  • 10 and 5 Rule- Giving non-verbal acknowledgements at 10 feet and verbal acknowledgement at 5 feet
  • Attitude Anchor- Something that helps you anchor your attitude in a positive place
  • Active Listening – Giving a full attention to the customer and purposefully trying to understand them
  • Empathy- Understand how a customer is feeling and use that insight to find ways to make them feel better
  • Need (Emotional Need and Rational Need) – The specific assistance a customer request and how a customer wants to feel about their experience
  • Non-Verbal Communication – Communication with people without using words- body language, eye contact, facial expressions, etc.
  • Five Question Technique- a technique that helps start a conversation by using five questions that will break the ice, make a customer feel more comfortable or uncover an additional opportunity to serve
  • Preemptive acknowledgement- a technique used to prevent customer anger by spotting situations where a customer is likely to become angry and addressing the negative emotions before they pea
Ref: LinkedIn Learning Course- Customer Service Foundations (URL: